Quit Tasmania | Quit Smoking Advice & Support
Don't Let it In Don't Let it In Don't Let it In Don't Let it In Don't Let it In Don't Let it In

Get Moving!

Stretch your body.

Turn up the Volume!

Dance like no one is watching,
Sing like nobody is listening,
Get down and boogie.

Cook up a Storm!

Put your culinary skills
to the test.

Text a Friend

Has it been a while?
Reach out! Say Hi!
Don’t be shy!

Read Between the Lines

Cuppa Time!

Hot or cold?
Coffee or Tea?
Don’t forget water.

Ready Player One

Are you game?
It’s time to level up.


Get distracted...


0/8 Matched


Are you…
  • Thinking about quitting?
  • Ready to quit?
  • Already quit?
  • Supporting others to quit?
  • Wanting more facts and information?
  • Under 25

You’re probably here because you’ve been thinking about your smoking.
Great start – you’ve come to the right place

how much is your smoking costing you?

Home 6

You’ll be able to save money from the first day you quit.
Use our cost calculator to see what you can buy with
the money you save over a week, month and year.

Check out the Cost of Smoking calculator

Changed my life 1

Changed my life

After 37 years I am a non smoker. Today I am at day 300 and saved 14 thousand dollars.

View Changed my life
Street talk 2

Street talk

Better health and has saved a small fortune too

View Street talk
Come and play with me! 3

Come and play with me!

His son used to ask him to hurry up and finish his smoke so he can come and play with him.

View Come and play with me!

Stuff You Can Do

Talk to Quitline Tasmania

137848 Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.

Request a free Quit Pack

Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.

Find out why you smoke

What are the 3 aspects of smoking?

How much is smoking costing you?