Inglis, R. “Hard-hitting ads to stub out smoking”. The Mercury, Hobart, 8 May 2023
Picture: Chris Kidd
Inglis, R. “Hard-hitting ads to stub out smoking”. The Mercury, Hobart, 8 May 2023
Picture: Chris Kidd
Talk to Quitline Tasmania
Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.Request a free Quit Pack
Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.Find out why you smoke
What are the 3 aspects of smoking?
How much is smoking costing you?
Talk to Quitline Tasmania
Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.Request a free Quit Pack
Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.Find out why you smoke
What are the 3 aspects of smoking?
How much is smoking costing you?